
Terms & Conditions


這是一份你代表你自己並代表課程參加者(統稱「你們」)和DoRich Youth Limited(「DoRich Youth」)之間具法律約束力的協議書(「本協議書」),請仔細閱讀當中的聲明及條款。一經你們簽署,協議書的法律約束力會即時生效。



  • (i) 你們完全理解本協議的內容和條款;
  • (ii) 你們同意自願遵守本協議的所有條款;
  • (iii) 你們確認監護人年滿18歲或以上;以及
  • ​(iv) 你們全面放棄對DoRich Youth或其關聯公司、他们的董事、員工、股東、繼承人、受託人、關聯人士、支援人員及受讓人(統稱為「DoRich集團」)的任何性質、過去、現在和未來的任何權利或索賠。此項放棄包括你們不會通過管轄區內的消費者委員會或類似機構對DoRich Youth的課程採取任何行動。
  • ​(v) 簽名人有權以自己的身分並代表課程參加者簽署本協議,該協議對簽名人和課程參加者均具有法律約束力和可執行性。



你們可以在繳交DoRich Youth工作坊、訓練、課程及/或單元(以下簡稱「DoRich Youth課程」)費用後48小時內,以書面形式申請退還你們所支付的費用。請注意,退款申請是否獲批核及退款時間的最終決定權完全和絕對在於DoRich Youth。若退款申請獲批核,任何手續費(如以信用卡付款而銀行或財務機構收取的費用)將從退款金額中扣除。


若你們在繳交表格後的1個月內決定不參與DoRich Youth課程,你們可以書面向DoRich Youth申請以下安排,最終決定權歸於DoRich Youth:

  • (i) 將課程費用轉撥至12個月內舉辦的同類型DoRich Youth課程; 或
  • ​(ii) 申請部分因退出而獲得的相關退款。請注意,退款申請是否獲批及退款時間的最終決定權完全和絕對在於DoRich Youth。若退款申請獲批,任何手續費(如以信用卡付款而銀行或財務機構收取的費用)將從退款金額中扣除。同時DoRich Youth亦會向你們收取行政費用,費用金額會因所報讀課程的司法管轄區域而有所不同,並將從退款中扣除。



你們必須於以下較早的時間,向DoRich Youth呈交有關DoRich Youth課程的報名文件、資料以及課程前需要完成的功課(如有):

  • (i) 報讀DoRich Youth課程後的5個日曆日內,或
  • (ii) 你們將參與的DoRich Youth課程開課當天。



你們必須在以下較早的期限前,繳付所有DoRich Youth課程的費用:

  • (i) 報讀DoRich Youth課程後的7個日曆日內,或
  • (ii) 你們將參與的DoRich Youth課程開始當天。



除協議和特別聲明有特別規定外,你們所繳交的DoRich Youth課程費用不能轉移到其他不同類型的DoRich Youth課程及/或工作坊。



如果你們在全數或部分繳付課程費用後,被DoRich Youth的任何職員及/或課程導師要求或命令終止參與DoRich Youth課程,你們將獲得全額退款。退款時間由DoRich Youth決定。任何手續費(如以信用卡付款而銀行或財務機構收取的費用)將從退款金額中扣除。


如果你們在課程期間自願選擇停止參與DoRich Youth課程,你們將不會獲得退款。但你們可以在停止參與課程的1個月內,以書面形式申請將課程費用轉撥至12個月內舉辦的同類型DoRich Youth課程。


DoRich Youth課程只允許你們本人參與,不得轉售或轉讓予他人。如有任何違規,DoRich Youth有權立即終止你們參與DoRich Youth課程而不作退款。





你們同意在參與DoRich Youth課程期間及之後,都不會進行任何形式的記錄(包括書面、攝影、錄影或錄音等)。


你們確認同意所有由DoRich Youth集團及/或DoRich Youth課程參加者提供、分享或透露給你們的資料、經驗分享、溝通內容或任何形式的數據,都應被視為「保密資料」。





  • (i)  該等保密資料已公開發放,且並非因你們違反協議而導致公開;或
  • (ii) 該等保密資料是由第三方通過合法途徑向你們披露,且該第三方有權進行此合法披露。


你們不可撤回地同意,如果你們違反上述第12至15項條款或違反保密協議,而導致DoRich Youth集團和/或任何其他DoRich Youth課程參加者遭受任何性質、過去、現在或未來的損失、傷害和/或索賠,你們都將承擔賠償責任。你們亦不可撤回地同意,DoRich Youth集團有權隨時申請禁令,以制止你們違反上述第12至15項條款或違反保密協議。


在任何時候,DoRich Youth的導師和職員都有絕對的決定權和權限,可要求或命令你們終止參加和/或參與DoRich Youth課程,而無需提供任何理由。


你們不可撤銷地承諾並同意,所有在DoRich Youth課程中使用和/或提及的任何形式的教材、概念、資料、講解、交流、數據和/或其他資料的匯編(統稱為「DoRich Youth專利教材」) ,均為DoRich Youth的專有財產。無論DoRich Youth專利教材是否受版權、商標、知識產權或其他保護,你們同意在課程期間及之後,都不會直接或間接散佈、分發、複製或複製DoRich Youth專利教材予任何人作牟利或其他用途。


通過參與DoRich Youth課程,你們承認並聲明,你們沒有任何權利或權益來擁有和/或獲得代理DoRich Youth教材的權利。在任何時候,DoRich Youth都是上述權利的唯一擁有者。


你們也承認DoRich Youth是唯一擁有DoRich Youth教材的法定權力、權利和利益的一方,包括但不限於任何已註冊和/或未註冊的DoRich Youth商標、商品名稱、服務標記、域名以及所有與DoRich Youth專利教材相關和包含的知識產權。你們確認豁免並放棄所有過去、現在和/或未來對任何上述提出異議的權利。


你們不可撤銷地同意, 如果你們違反上述第18-20條款和/或侵犯DoRich Youth專有的DoRich Youth教材權利,導致DoRich Youth集團可能遭受的任何直接和/或間接損失、傷害和/或索賠, 你們將承擔賠償責任。你們也不可撤銷地同意,DoRich Youth集團有權隨時申請禁令,以制止你們違反上述第18-20條款和/或侵犯DoRich Youth專有的DoRich Youth專利教材權利。


你們不可撤銷地同意,在DoRich Youth課堂中,你們不會參與或引起任何性相关或其他形式的滋擾行為。你們確認同意, 如果你們違反此條款, 而導致DoRich Youth集團和/或其他DoRich Youth課程參加者過去、現在或將來可能遭受的任何性質的直接和/或間接損失、傷害和/或索賠,你們都將承擔賠償責任。你們確認同意, 如果你們違反此條款 , DoRich Youth集團有權在不作出任何警告的情況下,立即終止你們報讀DoRich Youth課程的權利而不作出任何形式的補償。你們也確認同意,DoRich Youth集團有權隨時申請禁令,以制止你們違反此條款。


聲明: 通過簽署這份文件,你們不可撤銷地同意自由選擇參加DoRich Youth課程。你們明白課程中的某些DoRich Youth練習可能對某些人來說較為激烈,甚至會感到吃力和不安,因此你們將對課程參加者的身心健康負責,並接受參與DoRich Youth課程所涉及的風險。

你們保證課程參加者在DoRich Youth課程期間不會飲用酒精和/或影響神智的非處方藥物,也不需依賴此類物品。你們同意,在交回並簽署此文件後,如果有任何資料發生變更,會立即通知DoRich Youth。

你們同意放棄並/或放棄對DoRich Youth集團的任何過去、現在或將來性質的一切索賠權利,包括通過你們參與的DoRich Youth課程所屬管轄地區的消費者委員會或同類機構提出的索賠。

你們同意賠償並持續賠償 DoRich 集團因你們造成的任何故意違約、不當行為、欺詐和/或疏忽而導致 DoRich 集團遭受的和/或與之相關的所有索賠、責任、損害、損失和費用。


此協議已取代並替代所有你們與任何DoRich Youth集團之間的口頭、書面或建議書、安排、保證或其他承諾。這份協議是最終和完整的協議。




只有DoRich Youth有權(而不是個別課程參加者)分配或轉讓與本協議有關的任何權利或責任。個別課程參加者無此權利。



Terms & Conditions

Legal Agreement & Legal Binding

This is a legally binding agreement (“this Agreement”) between you on your own behalf and on behalf of the participant (collectively “you”) and DoRich Youth Limited (“DoRich Youth”), please read the declarations and terms carefully. Once you sign, the legal binding of the agreement will take immediate effect. 

Declarations and Disclaimer Clauses

By signing this agreement, you declare and warrant that:

  • (i) You fully understand the content and terms of this agreement;
  • (ii) You agree to voluntarily comply with all the terms of this agreement;
  • (iii) You confirm that the guardian is 18 years of age or above; and
  • ​(iv) You fully waive any rights or claims of any nature, past, present and future, against DoRich Youth or its affiliated companies, their directors, employees, shareholders, successors, trustees, associates, supporting personnel and assignees (collectively referred to as the "DoRich Group"). This waiver includes that you will not take any action against DoRich Youth's programs through the Consumer Council or similar agencies within the jurisdiction.
  • ​(v) You have the full authority to sign this agreement on your own behalf and on behalf of the participant which shall be legally binding and enforceable against you and the participants.  

Cancellation and Related Refunds


You can apply for a refund of the fees you have paid to DoRich Youth for workshops, training, courses and/or modules (hereinafter referred to as "DoRich Youth Courses") within 48 hours after payment, in writing. Please note that the final decision on whether the refund application is approved and the timing of the refund is at the sole and absolute discretion of DoRich Youth. If the refund application is approved, any handling fees (such as fees charged by the bank or financial institution for credit card payments) will be deducted from the refund amount.


If you decide not to participate in the DoRich Youth Courses within 1 calendar month after submitting the registration form, you can apply in writing to DoRich Youth for the following arrangements, and the final decision will be made by DoRich Youth:

  • (i) Transfer the course fee to a similar DoRich Youth Course held within 12 months; or
  • ​(ii) Apply for a partial refund related to your withdrawal. Please note that the final decision on whether the refund application is approved and the timing of the refund is at the sole and absolute discretion of DoRich Youth. If the refund application is approved, any handling fees (such as fees charged by the bank or financial institution for credit card payments) will be deducted from the refund amount. DoRich Youth will also charge you an administrative fee, the amount of which will vary depending on the jurisdiction of the course you registered for, and this will be deducted from the refund.

Document Submission


You must submit the registration documents, information, and pre-course assignments (if any) for the DoRich Youth Courses to DoRich Youth by the earlier of the following times:

  • (i) Within 5 calendar days after enrolling in the DoRich Youth Courses, or
  • (ii) On the day your DoRich Youth Courses start.

Payment of Course Fees


You must pay all fees for the DoRich Youth Courses by the earlier of the following deadlines:

  • (i) Within 7 calendar days after enrolling in the DoRich Youth Courses, or
  • (ii) On the day your DoRich Youth Courses start.

Course Transfers


Unless otherwise specified in this agreement or special statements, the fees you have paid for the DoRich Youth Courses are non-transferable and cannot be applied towards other different types of DoRich Youth Courses and/or workshops.

Other Refunds


If you are required or instructed by any DoRich Youth staff and/or course instructor to discontinue participation in the DoRich Youth Courses after you have paid all or part of the course fees, you will receive a full refund. The timing of the refund will be determined by DoRich Youth. Any handling fees (such as fees charged by the bank or financial institution for credit card payments) will be deducted from the refund amount.


If you voluntarily choose to discontinue participation in the DoRich Youth Courses during the course period, you will not receive a refund. However, you can apply in writing within 1 calendar month of discontinuing the course to have the course fees transferred to a similar DoRich Youth Course held within 12 calendar months.


The DoRich Youth Courses are strictly for your participation and may not be resold or transferred to others. In the event of any violation, DoRich Youth reserves the right to terminate your participation in the DoRich Youth Courses immediately without refund.


This agreement contains several provisions regarding refunds, many of which involve specific time limitations. Therefore, time is of the essence in this agreement.



You agree that you will not engage in any form of recording (including written, photographic, video or audio) during and after your participation in the DoRich Youth Courses.


You acknowledge and agree that all information, experiences shared, communications or data in any form provided, shared or disclosed to you by DoRich Youth Group and/or any DoRich Youth Courses participants shall be deemed "Confidential Information".


All information of or derived from the Confidential Information, whether in written, oral or any tangible form and other forms, shall be treated as Confidential Information, and you shall be bound by this confidentiality obligation at all times. 


You irrevocably undertake and agree to be bound by a duty of confidentiality with respect to all Confidential Information. Unless required by law or judicial proceedings, you must at all times keep such Confidential Information strictly confidential and not disclose or disseminate it to any person, except:

  • (i) if such Confidential Information has been publicly released, and not as a result of your breach of the Agreement; or
  • (ii) if such Confidential Information has been lawfully disclosed to you by a third party who is entitled to make such lawful disclosure.


You irrevocably agree that if you breach the above Clauses 12 to 15 or the confidentiality agreement, and this results in any nature, past, present or future losses, damages and/or claims suffered by DoRich Youth-Group and/or any other DoRich Youth Courses participants, you will be liable for compensation. You also irrevocably agree that the DoRich Youth Group shall have the right to apply for an injunction at any time to restrain you from breaching the above Clauses 12 to 15 or the confidentiality agreement.


The instructors and staff of DoRich Youth shall have the absolute discretion and authority to require or direct you to discontinue your participation and/or involvement in the DoRich Youth Courses at any time, without the need to provide any reason.


You irrevocably undertake and agree that all forms of materials, concepts, information, presentations, communications, data, and/or other compilations of material in any form (collectively referred to as the "DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials") used and/or mentioned in the DoRich Youth Courses are the exclusive property of DoRich Youth. Regardless of whether the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials are protected by copyright, trademark, intellectual property rights or otherwise, you agree that during and after the courses, you will not directly or indirectly disseminate, distribute, copy or reproduce the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials to any person for profit or other purposes.


By participating in the DoRich Youth Courses, you acknowledge and declare that you have no rights or interests to own and/or obtain the rights to represent as the agent of the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials. At all times, DoRich Youth shall be the sole owner of the aforementioned rights.


You also acknowledge that DoRich Youth is the sole entity possessing the legal power, rights and interests in the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials, including but not limited to any registered and/or unregistered DoRich Youth trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, and all intellectual property rights related to and contained in the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials. You confirm that you waive and relinquish all rights to challenge any of the foregoing, whether past, present and/or future.


You irrevocably agree that if you breach the above Clauses 18-20 and/or infringe on DoRich Youth's exclusive rights in the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials, and this results in any direct and/or indirect losses, damages and/or claims that may be suffered by DoRich Youth Group, you will be liable for compensation. You also irrevocably agree that the DoRich Youth Group shall have the right to apply for an injunction at any time to restrain you from breaching the above Clauses 18-20 and/or infringing on DoRich Youth's exclusive rights in the DoRich Youth Proprietary Materials.


You irrevocably agree that you will not participate in or instigate any sexual or other forms of harassment during the DoRich Youth Courses. You acknowledge and agree that if you breach this clause, and this results in any nature of direct and/or indirect losses, damages and/or claims that may be suffered by any DoRich Youth Group and/or other DoRich Youth Courses participants, past, present or future, you will be liable for compensation. You acknowledge and agree that if you breach this clause, DoRich Youth Group reserves the right to immediately terminate your right to participate in DoRich Youth Courses without warning and compensation of any kind. You also acknowledge and agree that any DoRich Youth Group shall have the right to apply for an injunction at any time to restrain you from breaching this clause.


Declaration: By signing this document, you irrevocably agree to voluntarily participate in the DoRich Youth Courses. You understand that some of the DoRich Youth exercises during the course may be rather intense for certain individuals, and could even feel challenging and uncomfortable. Therefore, you will be responsible for the physical and mental well-being of the participants, and accept the risks involved in participating in the DoRich Youth Courses.

You guarantee that the participants will not consume alcohol and/or non-prescription mind-altering substances, nor will they be dependent on such substances during the DoRich Youth Courses. You agree that if any information changes after submitting and signing this document, you will immediately notify DoRich Youth.

You agree to waive and/or relinquish any and all rights to make claims of any nature, past, present or future, against DoRich Youth Group, including through Consumer Councils or similar organizations in the jurisdiction of the DoRich Youth Courses you are participating in.

You agree to indemnify and keep indemnify the DoRich Group against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and costs suffered by DoRich Group arising from and/or in connection with any wilful breach, misconduct, fraud and/or negligence caused by you.


This Agreement supersedes and replaces all oral, written or suggested agreements, arrangements, warranties or other commitments between you and DoRich Youth Group. This Agreement is the entire, final and complete agreement.


If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity or enforceability of the other provisions, or the legality, validity or enforceability of that provision under the laws of any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected or impaired. The parties agree to promptly negotiate and agree on new terms to replace any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provisions.


Only DoRich Youth has the right (and not individual course participants) to assign or transfer any rights or obligations related to this Agreement. Individual course participants do not have this right.


This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

DoRich © 2024  All Rights Reserved